Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where Have I Been With This?

I have to confess. I've lost nearly all interest in the Casey Anthony case. I think she's a narcissistic skank, and she killed her daughter in a terribly horrific way. I think she'll be found guilty, but won't get the death penalty.

The defense is already throwing out a lot of red herrings, just to see what they can make stick. Unless there are some real bombshells in the trial, I don't know if I will follow it in anything more than a cursory manner.

If anyone else would like to do updates, please feel free to let me know and I will happily consider it.

I thought I could stomach a mother on trial for murdering her daughter, but the whole thing just disgusts me so much, I've stepped away at least for the forseeable future.


Ronald E. Douglas said...

I agree...I feel this case has worn on me a bit to the point I just want justice for Caley and the same justice for her mother Casey.

TimmyTom said...

I am following the case from Britain after a lot of my American friends discussed the case in the past. I would like to see justice prevail for Caylee, poor little mite.

debra said...

Has anyone thought about her father possibly being the killer? Is he an ex-cop? or did I hear wrong, and didn't he attempt suicide at one point? I know she has done some strang things, but couldn't that be from something her father did to her growing up? I don't know, I have had this strange feeling about her dad from the git go.......